
© /ecm diskurs 46

/ecm diskurs 46: Friederike Landau and Avni Sethi


Vergangene Showtimes




DISPUTE - Discussing Conflicts and Care in Museums in Times of Crisis
Public conversation by Friederike Landau (Vancouver/Berlin) and Avni Sethi, founder-director and main curator of the Conflictorium – Museum of Conflict (Ahmedabad, India).

Please register here to get the zoom ID: [email protected]

Friederike Landau and Avni Sethi engage with timely questions of conflict and care in times of crisis. How do crises such as COVID-19 exacerbate existing systemic challenges such as hyper-individuality, competition, and lack of psychological support? How do self-organized cultural workers respond to crises, both artistically and mentally? How can museums, in times of crisis, provide cultural infrastructures of care, for artists as well as longing audiences and local neighbors? How to (re)present smoldering conflict in these already heavily burdensome times? What good is it, in the end, to openly engage with conflicts in museum contexts rather than to suppress them?
The talk will be in english, and streamed live.