
Vergangene Showtimes

18:00 - 19:30
Universität Wien

The event will be held in the Audimax.


Join this entertaining and creative event and see scientists from all over Europe live on stage presenting their takes on crystallography!

The Science Slam will take place on 19th August, 2019 of this year’s ECM32 in Vienna at 18:00 in the Auditorium Maximum (Audimax) of the University of Vienna.

On this day, the conference is open to the public and television. The entrance to this Special Event is free!

After the succesful original first Event at Basel, we will have the Science Slam again in Vienna! This unique Event allows ECM participants to present crystallographic science even to a non-professional audience.
While the presented Content is scientific, the clear Focus is Entertainment. The given presentations will teach the audience About modern crystallography in an understandable and funny way.
The best presentation will receive an Award and a Price, donated due to generous Sponsoring of Stoe & Cle GmbH.

For more Information, check our Website:

What is a Science Slam?
The idea behind the ‘Science Slam’ is to introduce the broad field of crystallography to the public. To accomplish this, we are looking for creative, entertaining and simple/understandable talks of scientists from all fields of crystallography around Europe. The presentations should have a strong focus on potential applications, future developments and reference to everyday life. We do not want to scare laymen away with big equations and complicated or cryptic data. We would like to show them how important crystallography is – to the past, present, and the future.