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Vergangene Showtimes

The use of natural resources is unequally distributed at a global level. Those who use the least resources, bear most of the effects of excessive resource use, above all the impact of climate change. While countries of the Global South export resources, countries of the Global North outsource dirty production, and thereby environmental costs, to the Global South. Environ-mental taxes are not only useful in deterring environmentally damaging behavior. They can generate tax revenues that enable especially poorer cash-strapped countries of the Global South to meet internationally agreed climate and development targets.

The Book Presentation “Globale Ungleichheit“ (“Global Inequality”) by Margareta Grandner (Developing Studies, University of Vienna) will be followed by a Panel Discussion with
Anke Schaffartzik (Institute for Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) and Karlygash Kuralbayeva (Environmental Economics, Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics). Moderated by Martina Neu-wirth (Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation). With a video contributi-on from Rodrigo Pizarro (University of Santiago of Chile).

Eintritt Frei !!!


The event is part of the current focus “global inequalities” of the Mattersburger Kreis and Paulo Freire Center. The highlight of the debates will be the 8th Austrian Development Con-ference on 13-15th November 2020 in Linz.