© inc.


Inc. Halloween Night


Vergangene Showtimes


It's close to midnight and hell yes, we can’t wait to open our doors for our favorite time of the year, the end of sober october: HALLOWEEN!  Expect signature drinks, special halloween decoration everywhere,  unearthly visuals, loads of surprises and a very good but spooky time with your friends.

✚ best costume wins
The best costume will be selected by our halloween fairy & gets a very special gift, you don’t wanna miss.

✚ sound
Your favorite HipHopHits by our Inc. resident team:
C-Black | Marvex | Brii

✚ doors
11 PM | 19+

✚ entry
13€ < till close to midnight  < 15€

✚ Private Seating Area
[email protected]

✚ Lost & Found:
[email protected]

See you soon, everyone. It’s gonna be a thriller night!


Yours truly,

Schwarzenbergplatz 7
1030 Wien


✚ please note
Entry only with a vaccination and recovery certificate in combination with an ID. Es gilt die gesetzliche 2G-Regel, die streng kontrolliert wird. Bitte dafür Genesungs- oder Impfnachweis (Grüner Pass oder original Impfpass - kein Foto) in Kombination mit einem amtlichen Lichtbildausweis beim Eingang bereithalten