
© International Conference on Art & Science


Vergangene Showtimes



In 2020 the 4th international conference Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art and Science will take place online from November 26-28, hosted by the University of Applied Arts Vienna, supported by Ionian University, InArts Lab, Intellect Books, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Arte+Ciencia. TTT2020 is including theoretical and art practice presentations and continues to focus: (a) on questions about the nature of the forbidden and aesthetics of liminality as expressed in art that uses or is inspired by technology and science; (b) on the opening of spaces for creative transformation in the merging of science and art.

What constitutes the unstable limits of what can be morally and epistemically accepted should be read within the historical horizons of cultures and circumstances. After all, what seems outrageously transgressive at one moment in time and from one perspective may eventually transcend into a commonplace practice. As we experience and even endorse a gradual, but substantial, de-centering away from anthropocentric values and ontologies, potentially critique harbours turmoil. Art practices pose critical questions about our certainties; sciences and humanities constantly test our limits and our ideas of worlds by pushing forward the conditions in which knowledge is produced.

Developments in science and technology, that seem to enhance the borders of our experience of worlds and selves, revealing sometimes the fragility of social values, should be interrogated. Identities, ideologies, multiplicities, worlds, and visions are accepted and rejected, invented and destroyed; what are the forces behind and beyond? We propose critique within a transdiscipline, where science, arts, and humanities meet in a research quest, in an attempt at reframing and reconfiguring what there is.

The up-coming conference will be a meaningful contribution to 21 Century approaches towards art, science and technology. The three day conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art and Science will start on November 26, 2020 at 8:30 AM CET with a warm welcome to TTT2020 Vienna/Online by the organizing committee: Dalila Honorato (Ionian University, Corfu), María Antonia González Valerio (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City), Zahra Mirza (University of Applied Arts Vienna), and Ingeborg Reichle (University of Applied Arts Vienna). The digital venue for TTT2020 Vienna/Online is coordinated by the InArts Lab, directed by Andreas Giannakoulopoulos (Ionian University, Corfu).

The program of TTT2020 Vienna/Online is now available at:

Registration is free and open until November 22, 2020 at: