© Kibbutz Klub


KIBBUTZ KLUB: Sweet Like Honey


Vergangene Showtimes

22:00 - 00:00
Club U
22:00 - 06:00
Club U

Wir feiern das neue jewish queer year #happy5783 Shana tova, babes! Eurodance meets Isratrash meets the juciest beats from our all time fav queens like Beyoncé, Brit and Sarit!

Noch 1 x richtig Balagan vor unserem Winterschlaf - versprochen! Und wir feiern das neue jewish queer year natürlich auch gleich mit #happy5783 Shana tova, babes! You are sweet like honey, sweet like your new queer year. Strictly no empty dancefloor - but a lot of Tohuwabohu, love and hot bodies in all shapes

On October 1st we serve hot trashy pop from Europe to the Middle East - so you better shake dem booties right, honeys! DJ Aviv (without the Tel) haut euch classic and the newest beats aus Tel Aviv um die Ohren. Trashigen Pop aus den 90ern und of course a lot of Alien Superstar-Queen B. and Britney bitch serviert euch DJ Florian Loveshack. Was Ekstatisches für’s Auge gibt’s von VJ Alkis. Dream Team, right? RIIIIGHT!

LGBTIQ*s of the world - unite and let us celebrate together: love, unity and crazy balagan on the dancefloor!


DJ Aviv without the Tel (Ozen Club Tel Aviv)
Instagram: @_aviv

DJ Florian Loveshack (Malefiz Wien)
Instagram: @florianloveshack
VJ Alkis 

22:00 - 23:00 Uhr!
Israelisches GOLDSTAR und MACCABEE Bier solange der Vorrat reicht!