© Theresa Wey


"The category is...": KIKI HOUSE OF DIVE


Vergangene Showtimes

Dive is a kiki house in the tradition of Ballroom, a queer afrodiasporic (especially black transwomen) subculture born in 1970s Harlem, New York. It was founded by dancer and choreographer Karin Cheng, and has since organised multiple Ballroom events and has collaborated with WIENWOCHE for Purple is burning, ZARA – Zivilcourage und Antirassismusarbeit, as well as the Diversity Ball.

For Kultursommer we would like to „dive into A reality“, a performance that merges ballroom culture with a cunty cyborg topic. Through performative works by house members we aim to embrace a queer futuristic aesthetic that overcomes the association of technology and oppression.