
© Franzi Kreis


Kultursommer Wien - Daphna Horenczyk: Passage – Rehearsal for birthing and dying


Vergangene Showtimes

20:00 - 21:00
ASK Erlaa

In Passage - rehearsal for birthing and dying, 5 performers and one musician navigate through journeys in a birthing/dying-like state. They are existing in this transcendental state of consciousness accompanying birthing and dying; a state that forces one’s entire existence to the here and now and where pain and fear become material sources of inspiration. Moving from this state of openness, perceptiveness, and alertness offers an exploration of unfamiliar territories of creativity, expansion, multiple identities, and new paths into the subconscious. As the performers gradually submerge into transcendence in stillness, movement, and in sound, the viewer is invited to dive into an individual's process of dealing with birth and death, culminating in a collective celebration of life.

"Mit ihrem gelungenen Darstellungsversuch einer "Probe für das Gebären und Sterben" nähert Horenczyk sich, die Performenden und das Publikum der Frage an, warum die Vorbereitung auf beides so beharrlich verdrängt wird. Ein derart umfassendes Thema in einem kleinen Stück ohne Worte abzuhandeln, stellt an sich eine Provokation dar." - Helmut Ploebst, Der Standard

"Das Stück berührt. Es fasst uns dort an, wo wir nur ungern hinschauen. Darin liegt seine Leistung." - Rando Hannemann , Tanz.at

Choreography: Daphna Horenczyk In collaboration with the performers: Evandro Pedroni, Martina de Dominicis, Alina Bertha, Jolyane Langlois, Zuki Ringart
Live music: NADUVE Light design: Bruno Pocheron Costume design: Evandro Pedroni Outside eye: Costas Kekis Production management: Sophie Menzinger
Photography: Franzi Kreis Video: Trianglestudios.vienna

A co-production by Daphna Horenczyk and WUK Performing Arts.

With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport Austria (BMKÖS) and Im_Flieger, Arbeitsplatz, Raum 33 - company Elio Gervasi, Bears in the Park.