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N – von Adrienne Pender


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N von Adrienne Earle Pender
A production of vienna theatre project

Im "Bar&Co" des Theaters Drachengasse

One word can mean so much. Adrienne Earle Pender gives us the influential and momentous N play, that dramatizes the struggle between playwright Eugene O’Neill and actor Charles Sidney Gilpin over the inclusion of the N-word in the script for O’Neill’s first box office hit, The Emperor Jones.

Eugene O’Neill’s groundbreaking 1921 play, The Emperor Jones, was the first American play that featured an African-American actor in the lead role on Broadway. Charles S. Gilpin’s portrayal of Emperor Brutus Jones was hailed as “revelatory,” and he was named the finest actor of the age. The opening of The Emperor Jones made stars of both men; it was O’Neill’s first commercial success, and Charles Gilpin became the toast of the theater world. But by 1926, the fortunes of both men had taken very different turns. N explores the challenging relationship between Gilpin and O’Neill and how it ultimately hinged on one word; a word that lifted one of them to the heights of American theater, and a word that destroyed the other.

Stage Director: Joanna Godwin-Seidl
Starring: Lynne Ann Williams, Pete Steele, Randall Galera
Performance license: Blue Moon Plays, Virginia Beach

Vom 12. bis 24. Februar 2024, jeweils Dienstag - Samstag um 20:00 Uhr