
Vergangene Showtimes

Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 2, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien.

Bei Schlechtwetter findet die Veranstaltung leider nicht statt.


Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 2, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien.

Bei Schlechtwetter findet die Veranstaltung leider nicht statt.


After more than a year of lockdown lows and lulls, the Students Acting Shakespeare Society supplies a theatrical tonic for trying times in their summer showcase "Scenes of Hope". The outdoor event will take place in Hof 2 of University of Vienna's Campus; cushions will be provided. Since only 50 seats are available per evening, reservations via email ([email protected]) are recommended. To comply with Covid-19 precautions, we do require a current negative test or proof of vaccination.