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Tape Moon + Nichi Mlebom


Vergangene Showtimes



With a mixture of melodic psych-pop and experimental ambient elements, TAPE MOON creates a nostalgic setting for movies never shot. The soundtrack to weird dreams or moments we‘re longing for without ever having experienced them.

"Michael Naphegyi alias Tape Moon liebt es, mit unseren Hörgewohnheiten zu spielen, mit seinen Kompositionen und Arrangements uns immer wieder in die Irre zu führen und auch zu überraschen.“
- FM4, September 2021

„Naphegyis Soloalbum nun ist der seltene Glücksfall, bei dem die Vermischung aus Popmusik und Experiment funktioniert. Tape Moon findet die Mitte zwischen Hirn und Gefühl, Komposition und Improvisation, der Struktur von Popsongs und verrückten Sounds.“
- FALTER, Oktober 2021




Anyone who draws a connecting line between Pavement and Mac DeMarco and then extends this line towards Central Europe should actually land at Nichi Mlebom. The face of the musician, songwriter and Austrian living in Brno, Julian Werl, who hides behind this pseudonym, is perhaps known from one or the other album or theater production.
Now it is time for him to bring his solo project to the (basement) stages of Europe. In addition to lo-fi guitars, Nichi Mlebom also has a good portion of quirkiness and slacker aesthetics on offer. Live he is supported by musicians from the Czech bands “sinks” and “True Fir”.


exact timetable coming soon.

entry: tba