
© Ana Prada


VAYU Aerial Yoga Pre-Training with Ana Prada


Vergangene Showtimes

09:00 - 16:00
2225 Loidesthal

fayechiYOGA in Loid, Loidesthaler Hauptstraße 34


15hrs Intensive Aerial Yoga Training with the founder of VAYU Ana Prada ( /

VAYU Aerial Yoga® is a movement system, an active restorative practice. We are working with the idea of ungluing the fascia, using the support of the fabric as points of tensegrety, connecting to the body, sensation and using breath, to acces and calm the nervous system.
The pre-training is a great way to experience the VAYU system, also for teachers or therapists to get tools to apply in their practices.
Open to practitioners or teachers in Yoga, Aerial, Dance, Pilates Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis teachers, Physical therapists or movement therapists, somatic practioners.
Next pre-training and teacher trainings in
Austria , September 13-15 @fayechiyoga
For info [email protected] and [email protected]